Bee Present

Mornings with Mel: Mystical Monday

Melissa Hutchinson Season 5 Episode 13

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Ever wondered how cosmic shifts can redefine your journey? Join me as we explore Pluto’s monumental shift from Capricorn to Aquarius, closing a transformative 16-year chapter. With Scorpio season right around the corner, I’ll guide you through the themes of endings and new beginnings, especially for those of us with cardinal signs. It’s about releasing what no longer serves us and embracing growth. I’ll share personal stories of how astrological transits have shaped my path and why being present during life transitions is so vital.

Getting caught up in the morning chaos might have led to some hilarious mishaps, but it also brought a reminder of the importance of self-care. As the full moon in Aries approaches, expect revelations bringing balance, especially if you have Aries and Capricorn placements. Let's navigate these challenges together towards a more aligned and abundant future. Your comments and questions are always welcome, and don't forget to connect with me on Instagram at Be Present Podcast or via email. Here's to embracing change and honoring our past selves!
Speaker 1:

Good morning. It is Monday, october 14th. This is Mornings with Mel. This is Be Present. I'm Mel. How's it going? How is everything so?

Speaker 1:

First off, I want to start off today by just saying thank you to everyone who messaged me from Friday's episode. I'm so grateful that it resonated. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was going through it and I just love you guys and I love how vulnerable that you are able to be and being in touch with your emotions. I think that's just. I'm proud of us, first of all. I'm real proud of us.

Speaker 1:

Second of all, I said I was going to kind of talk about some of the astrology today. So we're having mystical Monday today, which in its own way, can be kind of motivational Monday, but let's dive into it, shall we? So, astrologically speaking, there is so much going on right now. If you feel overwhelmed, if you have been feeling like things are crumbling around you, or if you feel like you've suddenly woken up and what you wanted yesterday is not what you want today, don't worry. You're just in touch with the universe. We've quite a few things going on astrologically right now, and a couple big things, couple small things. I'm just. I'm going to try and touch on it as much as I can, because it is just a lot going on and I wanted to just off the bat say hey, you're valid if you feel like things are just kind of getting crazy.

Speaker 1:

So, first of all, if you have any of the cardinal signs in your chart so that would be Cancer, capricorn, aries and Libra If you have any of those in your chart anywhere, especially in your major three or six, your big six or your big three, that means honey. We are almost to the edge here. We're almost done. We're almost done and it's the edge of glory, I promise. So if you do not know, most people know their sun sign. So that's going to be when you were born. Like, I'm born on July 14th, I am a Cancer, I have a Cancer sun, so you more than likely know what that element is.

Speaker 1:

If you do not know any further, there's so many apps. I've talked about it before. I really like Astro Cafe. Some people like CoStar. There's a few different ones that you can use, but you just need your basic birth chart. Your big three is going to be your sun, your moon and your rising, and you can kind of figure it out. You know not, maybe not figure it out from there, but you will be able to kind of have a little bit more. Okay, here's what I'm working with.

Speaker 1:

So if you have one of those signs, like I said Cancer, capricorn, libra, aries somewhere in your chart, we are coming to the end of a massive cycle and I've talked about this on before. But so I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but Pluto is currently in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes, literally last time in our lifetime, last time in your children's lifetime, literally last time in our lifetime, last time in your children's lifetime, last time in their kids' lifetime. I think it comes back in like 2096 or something crazy that doesn't even feel fathomable to think about. That is the next time that we will see that. So there has been a 16 year cycle where Pluto has been in Capricorn. Now the last two last year, year and a half, we've kind of dabbled between the two. So it's moving into Aquarius. After, I believe, november 3rd, we are going to be back in, pluto will be in Aquarius and that will be its own set of other things going on. So let's just focus on Capricorn right now, shall we? We've gotten tastes of Aquarius, so last summer there was a little bit. We had a little bit this year, this fall we had a moment of it, but now we are back in Pluto and Capricorn and this is the last little cycle of it.

Speaker 1:

So you might be seeing or you might be feeling a lot of things coming to an end, but also a lot of new beginnings, which is fun because we're about to be getting into Scorpio season. Scorpio season is very much a lot of themes around death, not like death, death, but just, you know, things coming to an end. We're getting closer to the winter. You know harvest is coming to an end. If you think about it kind of like a seasonal change, it makes a lot of sense. You've also got the day of the dead in there. You've got Halloween in there, so it is more of that. Scorpio is a little bit more tied to the other side of life, so it makes sense that things will end along accordance with it. However, this has a lot of new beginnings as well.

Speaker 1:

So you might have had a lot of set things that you saw for your life and suddenly now they're just shifting around. Maybe you said you were never going to get married and now you're getting married. Maybe you said you were never going to have kids. Now you're having kids. Maybe you said you wanted X, y and Z, and now you're deciding on A, b, c, whatever it may be. That was a fun little rhyme. Whatever it may be, though, it is a really good time to embrace it and to just shut it. So, whatever's not serving you, whatever is like leaving your life, please, for my sake, your sake, the sake of humanity, let it go, because it is you're, not you're.

Speaker 1:

You may not be able to see what's coming into your life right now, or you might be able to, like I said, you might have a clear idea of like, okay, this is what I want, this is what I didn't want, and you don't have to have one of those four placements for this to be affecting you. It just might hit you a little extra hard if it's in your chart, um specifically. If you want to dive into it, um, you can look at what house that chart or that um, I'm so sorry where that Zodiac is in your chart, what house it's in, and then you can get a little bit more detailed as where it's, where it might be affecting you, um, so you can kind of dive in nice and deep into that if you would like to, but most people kind of know where it's affecting them. I certainly know where it's affecting me. I have several friends that I have been talking to of like, hey, it's okay, this cycle is coming to an end because it is a 16 year cycle.

Speaker 1:

You're looking at something that started in 2008. What started for you in 2008? What were some themes around then? I know it is a long time ago, but even just thinking about where you were in life, like I think about myself, I was just starting high school in 2008. So I was just starting to find myself, figure out what I wanted, navigate who I was. That makes sense that now I am navigating and trying to figure out what I want now and that looks maybe a little different than what I thought it did, and that's okay. Same with you. Whatever you've got going on, it's all about embracing this new wave, this new energy.

Speaker 1:

Now you might be feeling a little bit more emotional as well. We've got Mars and Cancer. Now you might be feeling a little bit more emotional as well. We've got mars and cancer. That is, mars and cancer is not a fun time it's, especially if you have cancer placements. My cancer girlies know. Um, it is a lot of emotion right now. It's a lot of crying, it's a lot of anger, it's a lot of figuring things out.

Speaker 1:

I think that happens when you're kind of closing these cycles out, because it makes you reflect on the last again 16 years of what choices got you to where you are. And that might not always be a positive experience for you, but, as I always say, you wouldn't be where you are right now if you hadn't made all of those choices. And you may think to yourself well, melissa, I don't really like where I am right now. Okay, baby, guess what? We can change it. Okay, even having the awareness of, oh, you know what I don't like, this is such a gift because that means that you have the ability and the capability to transmute that and change it and shift it around. A lot of people walk around in this world angry and grumpy and they have no idea that they're miserable with their lives. So if you can identify one or two things that you're like, oh, I don't really like that, sweet, you're doing better than most of the population out there, because that means you can change it and you can pivot.

Speaker 1:

Baby is the year of the pivot, and so I keep saying it's also the year of the karmic cycle, right? So a lot of people are getting their karmic just desserts, if you will but so that Mars and Cancer is making things a little spicy. Today we've got a couple of different. We've got a square, an opposition and a conjunction that's going on that might cause some spiciness to the day. The biggest thing that you need to hear is things that are not stable, things that are not meant to last, will be fading away over the next couple weeks. It is very much. Fate is taking you with it, whether you're holding hands or you're kicking and screaming, so you might as well lace up and get ready to do what you need to do.

Speaker 1:

A lot of things, I know for me. I'm not going to dive too big into it, but, like, one of my big discoveries is something that, like, I've kind of held off from for a long time and it's suddenly making sense and it's like, oh, okay, that makes sense. Why X, y and Z ended up where I am now, right, um, so it's just, it's very much. So be aware, be cognitive of all the things and all the changes that are happening in your life because they are happening for a bigger and better reason. That big transit is one of the most massive things that are going I'd say probably the biggest thing that's going on right now. There's a lot of other elements and other things going on. Obviously, all the stars and planets are always moving and whatnot, but that's the one that's really affecting most people. So if maybe you don't have any of those in your chart, but you are with somebody or around somebody who has those in your chart, just be a little bit more gentle with them. They're going through it right now and in about a month they're going to be on top of the world. It's going to be kind of a funny shift. You might start feeling the tingling of your inspiration coming back, your inner self coming back. I fucking danced this morning. I put on some good music and I just wiggled around and it was so lovely, which was such a different thing from me crying really hard pretty much all weekend. That shift is coming and it comes in waves. You know what I mean. It's like grief. There's a constant roller coaster of sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down, and that's all right. The ride is coming to an end very soon. With that note.

Speaker 1:

I pulled a couple of cards today. Well, I pulled one card specifically and I pulled another tarot card. I got a new deck, um, which is all about native plants from the South, and I thought that would be fitting for today. I'm very excited about it. We pulled the periwinkle card, which is all about legacy and all about your, um, strength and ancestral knowledge. So maybe look to the people in your life family, friends, mainly family, mainly family Look towards your family and you might really see some patterns, maybe some things that you're breaking some generational curses, maybe you're embracing something. Maybe these new changes that are in your life are here to maybe finish some things up that your ancestors necessarily didn't get to. Just something to think about, and I'm going to pull a tarot card as well, okay, so we're at a crossroads Very fitting Two of swords.

Speaker 1:

We're at a crossroads right now and there's a lot of things that need to be changed in order to get us to our Ten of Pentacles, which is going to be that beautiful abundance that we all deserve. And remember, abundance isn't always necessarily money. Abundance can be love, it can be passion, it can be friendship, it can be food, it can be whatever you want it to be, whatever abundance looks like to you. But I think, by navigating through this more difficult time, you're going to find yourself on the other side, where things feel a little bit more in line with who you are, because that's the other thing. 16 years is a long time.

Speaker 1:

What you wanted and who you thought you were in 2008 is absolutely not who and what you are right now, in this moment. So leave some space. You know, honor that person that got you here. Honor that inner self that, like, made those choices and got you to where you're at right now, and honestly, put them in a little boat and let them. Let them carry on. They'll always be with you. You'll always have that inner self. I kind of always think about it with birthdays. Not only are you like, let's say, if you're turning 30, not only are you 30, but you're also 28. You're also 21. You're also 15. You're also the 8-year-old. You are all those versions of yourself. You're just a more refined, specific version of who you want to be now, in this moment, and who's going to serve you the most properly. So you've got this, I've got this. We're going to be okay.

Speaker 1:

Overall this week, I will say there could be a lot of truths coming out soon. People who have, if you've had any lies or if you think people have been lying or it's. It's a big week for not necessarily what's the best way to put this it's a big week for people. You will be shocked how many people will come up to you and probably be like, hey, this was not true. And it's like, oh shit, I never knew that. And it's like, oh shit, I never knew that. And it's gonna give you. I think you're gonna get a lot of clarification this week, honestly, as far as some bigger choices and some bigger decisions that you need to make. Um, because you're gonna have a lot more truth coming out, which is very exciting for this last little stint of libra season. We're getting that last little nugget of balance before we dive into spooky into I guess, spooky into Scorpio season.

Speaker 1:

We do have a full moon this week. It's going to be on the 17th. I don't even know which day that is. I'm not even looking at my calendar. Today's Monday, the 14th. Why can't I think how many days will be three? Okay, there we go. Goodness me, the 17th is on a Thursday. This upcoming Thursday will be the full moon. I'll talk a little bit more about it. We'll have a thoughtful Thursday on the full moon and what it can mean for you. It's in Aries, so again, it's just all those cardinal signs, specifically Aries and Capricorn placements. You guys might have some stuff going on that day. So just be aware, be present with it. Very exciting stuff, though. Just know that if it's leaving your life, it's for the best, even if you cannot see why.

Speaker 1:

I'm not always a fan of this phrase, but I don't know any other that fits so good. Fan of this phrase, but I don't know any other that fits so good. But let go and let God baby. It is time to just trust that universal pull, whatever you believe in, whatever you don't believe in. But yeah, it's very much a time to go with the flow and feel your feelings. Great, great, great time for journaling, shadow, shadow work, diving into maybe some things that have been blocking you and embracing these new things.

Speaker 1:

I think this is a time that, if you randomly are like I kind of want to start skateboarding, go start skateboarding. If you get a random wild hair to do something that you've never like had on your plate, bring it back up, let's go, or adverse of that, something that maybe you had a dream a long time ago, and now you're like wait, I could maybe actually do that now. Cool, this is the time. Do it, embrace it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you guys, I could not find my microphone this morning, so I apologize. If you saw my, saw my, heard my stomach grumbling, it's time to go get some food and coffee and, on that note, I will leave it. But I love you, you've got this. You're going to be okay, a little bit longer of an episode. There's just a lot going on. So thanks for listening. I will talk to you tomorrow. Remember you can always follow me on Be Present Podcast on Instagram, or you can email me at bepresentpodcast at gmailcom if you have any comments concerns questions, anything like that. We will talk tomorrow. I love you. Have a wonderful day. Bye.

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